Today people are waking to the probability that the Senate flipped toward the Democrats. And they are having an epiphany.

Some are responding with celebration.
Others in consternation.

Some fear the chaos coming with the Biden administration.
Others feared the chaos of the Trump administration.

Some speak of the chaos of white supremacy.
Others fear the chaos of socialism.

The Days of Ideology

Ideology, while speaking about the chaos outside, springs from chaos hidden within.

Ideologies are simple ideas and simply remedies that hide the complexity of life, disguised as science, philosophy, the facts, or the TRUTH.

“The election was a fraud, because nothing else makes sense!”
“Everyone who voted for Trump is a white supremacist, because nothing else makes sense!”

These are the words of ideology.

And the loudest ideologues know how to “make the world a better place”. They know how to restore order within the chaos. But so often they haven’t taken care of the chaos inside, and so perpetuate chaos outside.

Rather than working from the inside out, dealing with the chaos within, we go outside ourselves and are captivated by ideologies that easily explain the chaos in the world, who the good are and the evil, who are right and who are wrong, who is responsible for our suffering and what to do about it.

Ideologies easily establish order — but through violence to self and others (in word and in deed).

The Day of Epiphany

The day of Epiphany celebrates the visitation of the Magi — the gentile seekers, the foreign searchers.

But before they found baby Jesus, they encountered King Herod — king of ideology.

Herod wanted this “newborn king” to fit into his box. He wanted to exterminate the chaos outside. He wanted to perpetuate his “order”. He wanted to protect his world.

And the Magi were tempted.

Would they capitulate to Herod’s ideology?
To the easy explanation?
The simple answer?
To the one who in charge?

Or would they remain open and expectant of a new act, a new explanation, a new opportunity of God?

Who Are We Today?

Are we more like Herod or the Magi?

Are we open to the surprising work of God? Or does God fit in our box a little too neatly.

Jesus never fit into anyone’s box. He didn’t align with the reigning ideologies. And we should follow his lead.

How have you seen ideology at work in yourself, in others? How have you overcome it?

Are you interesting Growing Faith for Everyday People”

For all those taking hard questions and honest doubts and using them as fertilizer of faith.




Geoff Holsclaw
Geoff Holsclaw

Written by Geoff Holsclaw

Professor / Pastor / Theologian / Writer :: Learning about a faith that works in real life, a faith where God is always pursuing us.

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