Reconciling: The Six Word of Freedom
There are more to the 10 Commandments than you thought.
God is guiding us out of the land of slavery into a place of freedom and love. This is what the 10 Commandments are for: They orient us to freedom.
Sixth Word
“You shall not murder.” (Ex. 20:13)
Some say…
Some focus on whether or not this refers to any kind of killing (whether in the military or not), or just murder as intensional harm. These people argue over when it might be justified to kill with God’s approval and whether that is a violation of this command.
But what if…
But what if the heart of the matter is reconciliation — the cultivation of a heart that not only wouldn’t kill, but grieves over every broken relationship, and is constantly working toward restoration.
Wonder why Jesus had to die? Take this free e-course to expand your understanding of Jesus’s sacrifice so it’s big enough for your entire life.
Word of Life: Reconciling
This word — orienting us to life and freedom — frees us from the tyranny of anger, bitterness, and resentment — of which lead to murder.
This word frees us from the becoming enslaved to our individual perspectives, our individual passions. Movement toward murder comes when we cling to our individual perspective, our point of view as absolutely right, and we keep it to ourselves. ?
As William Blake reminds us,
I was angry with my friend;
I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
I was angry with my foe:
I told it not, my wrath did grow.
(from “A Poison Tree”)
The freedom from murder cultivates a heart that can grow so big it can even love our enemies. From a heart of reconciliation we can cultivate fellowship with all of humanity. When we pursue reconciliation with others we find we could never kill them.
Today, what are the little angers and little bitternesses that we are holding onto that might grow into heart of hate? How can you orient yourself toward to freedom of reconciliation?
Wonder why Jesus had to die? Take this free e-course to expand your understanding of Jesus’s sacrifice so it’s big enough for your entire life.